Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happily married

I'm an American woman who is married to a wonderful Yemeni-American man. We've been together for 20 years, but it feels like we've known each other all our lives.

It's often quite amazing how well it's worked all these years, considering how different our backgrounds and cultures are!

We love each other immensely and could not imagine a world without each other. Like any other couple, we joke, laugh, tease each other, bicker, argue (rarely, though!) and all the other normal stuff.

A lot of what I tease him about relates to him being from Yemen. He teases back, at me, my family, my heritage... it's all in good fun.

We have beautiful children, from teenagers to toddlers. Since my husband was brought up a little differently from me, we occasionally differences in opinion in how to raise them. In fact, many parts of daily life can bring up terms for debate! Luckily, we handle everything and work things out.

I've always hoped to find other women like me: American or Western and married to a Yemeni. Come on, I can't be the only one! I set up a Twitter account a while back just for fun. I've connected with Yemenis and others with roots or interest in Yemen. While I love tweeting, the 140-character max often isn't enough! Hence, the birth of this blog.

A lot of what I might post, here or on Twitter, is all meant in good fun. I don't mean to insult anyone or any country. As mentioned earlier, I love my husband dearly. I also adore his family, who have embraced me and our children with open arms. I get along with his many "cousins" (You know, for Yemenis, almost any other Yemeni is a cousin!) But he has his quirks and I love him, quirks and all!

OK, so that's my intro. As they say, Yalla! Yalla!


  1. I would love to get in touch with you. I have been married to a Yemeni for a year and a half. I could really use exchanging some thoughts with people that would understand the joys and exhasperation of navigating this wonderful cultural exchange!

    My email is rjoppert(at)yahoo(.)com. Hope to hear from you one of these days!

  2. I just read through your blog :) Here's another wife of a Yemeni here ( 5 years). I'd love to get in touch with you: rmz0004@my.londonmet.ac.uk

  3. I am happily engaged to a Yemeni man! We are in college, I'm pre med... He is a computer science majour. It would be really nice to talk to someone who is older and can give great advice about being married to someone of a different culture. We met in a Bronx high school, and currently live in a long island suburban neighborhood. Again, if you do happen to check your blog, write me at skysabs (at) gmail (dot) com! It would be pleasant.

  4. We are a rare group of lades but that makes it even the better. deborah33161@gmail.com
